Home Insurance 101

There are many coverage parts included with your Minnesota Home Insurance policy. To make it as simple as possible, I will use 3 of the primary coverage types on your Homeowners Policy. Home Replacement Coverage The first coverage limit that…

Why Is My Home Insurance is Less Than My Home Value

We get this question a lot from New Home Buyers purchasing home insurance for the first time because the purchase of their home may be higher than the Dwelling Coverage on their home insurance policy. Lenders want you to carry…

Comprehensive Car Insurance Coverage

Comprehensive Coverage on your Car Insurance policy is one of the two parts of coverage limits that protect your vehicle should it be damaged.  If your car is damaged from Vandalism, Theft, Hail Damage, falling object or perhaps the most…

Workers Compensation for Contractors

Contractors are often asked to carry Workers Compensation insurance even though they do not have employees. The conversation is usually very similar.  “Why do I need to carry workers comp when I don’t have employees?” This is true.  However the…

3 Reasons to Shop Your Home Insurance

1) Minnesota Home Insurance policies change coverage almost every year.  Insurance Companies are not adding coverage. They are either limiting coverage or taking it away.  This potentially leaves you with a significant gap in coverage. If you are not made…

What Does It Mean When My Car Is Totaled?

“Totaled” is a very common car insurance term used by insurance companies when a vehicle is damaged beyond a cost they are willing to pay for all of the repairs. When your vehicle is involved in a car insurance accident,…

Minnesota Small Business Insurance

As a Business Owner there are so many more things to consider than just selling your product. When it comes to small business insurance, you need a variety of insurance coverage to properly protect your business investment. You need to…

Cyber Liability Insurance 101

Cyber Insurance provides financial relief from costs associated with hack attacks, data breaches and system failures.  There are over 1000 Cyber attacks reported to the FBI each day.  Every business has a cyber exposure. A ransomware attack and wire transfer…

Not Covered By Your Home Insurance

Whether you’re an established homeowner or buying your first home, you already know that having a Minnesota homeowners insurance policy is a necessity. But do you know what is NOT covered on your homeowners insurance policy? This post will introduce…

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