Car Insurance Now Less for Drivers 50+

Car Insurance Rates Decreased

Car Insurance companies are actually decreased rates for most drivers 50 and older. This has become a demographic that many insurance companies are now more interested in attracting. This is due to the improved improved loss ratio that this group over 50 has shown in the last 5 years. I explain more in my YouTube video, link here:

Why? Fewer accidents means this is a more profitable group to the insurance company. When an insurance company finds a particular area that makes them money, they try to attract that group. In If you are a senior driver and have not shopped your car insurance in a long time, it may be time to do some comparing.

Best Insurance Companies for Senior Drivers

We work with the best car insurance companies in the market. Some great insurance companies for Senior Drivers are Progressive Insurance, Travelers Insurance, Safeco Insurance, Auto Owners Insurance, Nationwide Insurance, Hartford Insurance, West Bend Mutual Insurance.

Please complete the form below for a quote.

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Are you ready to save time, aggravation, and money? The team at Ameriguard Insurance Agency is here and ready to make the process as painless as possible. We look forward to meeting you!

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