What Happens If My Car Is Hit While It’s Parked?

Accidents can happen anywhere, even when your car is parked. It’s frustrating to find your vehicle damaged, especially when you’re not even in it. Here’s a straightforward guide to understanding what to do if your parked car is hit and how your insurance can help.

Immediate Steps to Take

  1. Assess the Damage
    • Check your car for visible damage. Take clear photos from multiple angles to document the extent of the damage.
  2. Look for a Note
    • If the responsible driver is considerate, they might leave a note with their contact and insurance information. If not, proceed to the next steps.
  3. Notify the Police
    • File a police report, especially if the damage is significant. This report is crucial for insurance claims and if the responsible party cannot be found.
  4. Check for Witnesses
    • Ask around if anyone saw the accident. Witnesses can provide valuable information, including a description of the vehicle or the driver who hit your car.
  5. Contact Your Insurance Company
    • Inform your insurer about the incident as soon as possible. Provide them with all the details, including the police report and photos.

How Insurance Can Help

Collision Coverage

If you have collision coverage, your insurance will help pay for the repairs to your vehicle, regardless of who is at fault. You’ll need to pay your deductible, but your insurer will cover the rest.

Uninsured Motorist Property Damage (UMPD)

If the responsible driver is uninsured or cannot be identified, UMPD can cover the damage to your car. However, not all states offer this coverage, and it may have a lower limit than your collision coverage.

Comprehensive Coverage

In cases where the damage is caused by something other than a collision (e.g., vandalism), comprehensive coverage can come into play. This type of coverage also involves paying a deductible before the insurance covers the rest.

Hit-and-Run Scenarios

A hit-and-run situation can be particularly stressful. If you can’t find the person who hit your car, your collision or UMPD coverage will be essential. Always ensure you have adequate coverage to protect against such incidents.

Preventive Measures

  • Park Wisely
    • Choose well-lit, busy areas to park. Avoid parking too close to intersections or in tight spots where other drivers might struggle to navigate.
  • Install a Dash Cam
    • A dash cam can record incidents even when you’re not in the car. Some models are motion-activated and can capture footage if your car is hit while parked.


Finding your parked car damaged is never a pleasant experience. However, understanding your insurance options and taking the right steps can make the process smoother. Make sure your policy includes coverage that protects you in these situations, and don’t hesitate to contact your insurance agent for advice tailored to your specific needs.

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